
Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Teri Hatcher has Red Letter Day

Can someone explain this to me?

Explanation 1) The Red Letter day: Teri Hatcher was having her monthly. As a gusher, only a red suit would cover the bloody mess.

Explanation 2) The Rob and Amber complex: For me, Teri Hatcher was the only recognizable name of the five housewives from her successful run as Lois on Lois and Clark. Perhaps the other housewives feel that Teri has had her time to shine and that they should be allowed some time in the low wattage spot light. Maybe Teri has become the media darling of the show leaving the other housewives feeling behind in the race for exposure. This could result in nothing but jealousy, anger, rumors of lesbianism (Thanks for the link, Chris [Feb 8, 2005]), and an environment of desperation. These cat fights conjur up images of Lynn, Alex, and eliminated Patrick of Amazing Race 7 fame who would stop at nothing to mention how much they hate Rob and Amber. Be it whining, or with clenched fists, a confessional doesn't go by when they aren't commenting how much they hate Rob and Amber. My Aunt Nancy told me during a particular hard time at my job that I just need to ignore everyone around me and focus on the job at hand. I would like to offer this advice to both Amazing Racers and Desperate Housewives

Explanation 3) The probable explanation: They are spoiled, petty babies with boobies.

In the meantime, find out which petty baby with boobies you are by taking the ABC sponsored quiz and maybe win a prize. (I think there was a better quiz circulating the internet before...) but I'm happy to find out that I'm Lynette, my favorite of the housewives.