
Thursday, August 11, 2005

Spice Girl Xanadu

or as my sister likes to call her - Emma Rose - entered my life yesterday with a sniffling call from my mother from Colorado. At the time of the phone call, I was watching the most recent episode of Six Feet Under entitled "All Alone." This had a similar unsettling effect on me as the time when I tried to eat a pizza while watching Hotel Rawanda. My mom's cell phone had poor reception which ended up forcing me to scream into the phone "CAN YOU HEAR ME? CAN YOU HEAR ME?" over and over again. Of course my mother responded "no" which made no sense because the correct answer for the question if she had really meant no would have been no answer at all. In the end, I had to hang up the phone after getting bare bones information regarding the birth of my first niece - Beautiful baby girl 6 lbs 13 oz 7:30 PM large honking feet black petals of hair - My absence from the day has resulted in feelings of jealousy that continue to circulate my body through a complex network of neurons known as the .

Later last night, I talked with my sister for only a couple of minutes because the doctors were in the process of "scooping her uterus off the floor." I don't think that things went too well for her, but after 24 hours of labor she was able to push Emma out with out need for a C-section. I wish my sister and Emma the best for their recovery and couldn't be happier of more proud for my family today.