
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Rockin' on 9th

About my concert going life: Lucksmiths' passed their prime and had too many opening bands
At dc9 last night. No need for 3 opening acts fellows. it seems a bit Greedy to me. Oh well, i'm glad i left when i did because apparently they only played Recent material from their newest
Disc, leaving the die hard fans with musical blue balls. Or maybe it's a little too much to ask.
Certainly after the decemberist's show At the 9:30 club last week, my expectations for a good show were Needlessly high. Shows i haven't learned much since leaving the Uterus. (uter-us or uter-you?) most Certainly i am indebted to john for Kindly grabbing me an extra ticket to the show. Most pleastant surprise. You see, when going to a show where i Don't really care about the band, I have a tendancy to enjoy the music better (not having to push my way to the front)
Creating a much more relaxed concert going experience.

...K?...and now i like the decemberists much better and the lucksmiths much less.

i wanted to make the message much more obvious, but it's not hard to figure out.