
Saturday, January 29, 2005

Flavors of the Day

For those who care what I've been listening to lately, here's the scoop:

1) Komeda - "Binario"
2) Le Tigre - "Deceptacon"
3) Arcade Fire - "Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)"
4) Of Montreal - "Lysergic Bliss"
5) Komeda - "It's Alright, Baby"
6) The Killers - "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine"
7) Interpol - "Obstacle 1"
8) Arcade Fire - "Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)"
9) Of Montreal - "Eros' Entropic Tundra
10) The Futureheads - "The City is Here for You to Use"
11) Bow Wow Wow - "C30 C60 C90 Go"
12) Jennifer Gentle - "I Do Dream You"
13) Styx - "Too Much Time on My Hands"
14) Arcade Fire - "Une Annee Sans Lumiere"
15) Bucci Bag - "More Lemonade (Scissor Sisters Sticky Tits remix)"
16) Brazilian Girls - "Les Sirenes de la Fete"
17) Le Tigre - "Tell You Now"
18) Kylie Minogue - "I Believe in You"
19) Cut Copy - "Future"
20) Scissor Sisters - "Take Me Out"

The Killers "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine" - This song offers me nothing new.

21) Brazilian Girls - "Don't Stop"
22) Esthero and Sean Lennon - "Everyday Is a Holiday (With You)" - Sean Lennon? Who'd-a-thunk?
23) Erasure - "Let's Take One More Rocket to the Moon" - Instant Nostalgia
24) Doves - "Black and White Town" - Someday
25) Nina Simone - "Funkier than a Mosquito's Tweeter"