
Saturday, June 11, 2005

Now Playing:

I've finally gotten my xspf player running properly although the time to load each song takes a while, so check it out. small, baby steps.

So my trip to San Antonio which I've been anticipating for more than a year is over. Although I initiallly scoffed at the prospect of travelling to San Antonio, I have to admit that as a tourist, it's pretty great. Surprisingly, none of the corn I ate while down there has resurfaced. I'll fill in more details later, but let me know if there are problems with the player.
My next two tasks involve fixing the archiving problem and using different fonts that I like more than the ones available. Any help in either of these areas will be appreciated especially the archiving.

Oh, and until I can figure out how to put a little disclaimer, please support the starving artists and the overweight artists that create the music that makes my life enjoyable and buy their albums if you like what you hear.

Finally, I'm reading my second book in a row (without prior knowlege before cracking the spine) about an autistic child trying to solve a mystery. Why didn't Hanna Barbara get their hands on this concept in the seventies? Can you imagine a band of mystery solving special needs kids who also play in a band and have a pet rat. It could be called "The Smartest Kids in the World Detective Agency" Anyway, I liked Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close better even if it did cheese me out at also broke my heart while I laughed out loud. I leant it to someone who I may never see again, but hopefully I'll get it back.