
Friday, February 04, 2005

Why I love my LIVESTRONG bracelet

I got a LIVESTRONG bracelet today. It was given to me by a girl at my office who must be one of the sweetest people on earth. What I love about this bracelet is that I didn't pay a single cent for it. In other words, I wear this band of yellow synthetic polymer as nothing more than a fashion statement. I have, by accepting this bracelet, defeated the whole purpose of the bracelet. People may think that I gave the dollar and support the cause, but they would only be half right. I will instead take the dollar and use it to buy something for myself - perhaps a cigarette. I don't smoke, but at least I know my dollar will go towards a good cause.

When I ventured into the red state of IOWA over Christmas, I noticed that there were a lot of knock off bracelets around. There was the gold bracelet that said IOWA that sold for $5. There was the LIVELONG pink bracelet that also sold for $5 and many others of varying colors and messages. This behavior is nothing less than shameful. My thoughts are that these bracelets could be the next bear hankie code. At least then these bracelets will be doing something useful. They could bare the message LIVEHARD indicating the status which one must live to participate in such varoius activities.

What color is your bracelet? What paw do you wear it on? How else will I know who is going to eat my poo?