
Thursday, February 03, 2005

Circle, Circle, Dot, Dot

Such is how Ed Emberley would have drawn my evening last night.

Jason and I were granted to good fortune of having been invited to a Groundhog Day Dinner Party. As we stopped at the red light at Connecticut and Columbia, a truck bearing two girls and a boy (driver) pulled up next to us. The driver indicated that he wanted to get in front of us at which point the female pulled out her baby feeders and rubbed them all around. I turned to Jason and said (as he wasn't looking at the time) - "That girl just flashed us her bodacious tits." He turned to see, but she had stopped. Jason indicated that he didn't see the show and so she did it again, this time stimulating her perky nips with her fingertips. I can tell you that if I were a groundhog, we would have had six more weeks of winter for sure. Despite my Christian disgust, we decided that her behavior should be encouraged and rewarded, so we let them go.

Back to Ed Emberley: I loved drawing his pictures and decided to google him today to see if he was still around. Obviously, someone else was just thinking about him and the mother of a seven year old had this to say about him:

"My seven-year-old daughter and I love sitting..."


So do I. I would love one of the clocks so I would have something to look at while I sit. Feel free to share your Ed Emberley or flasher memories